Church Leadership
By Joel Comiskey
Many people make goals and resolutions for the new year. One of my goals is to eat better and concentrate more in my devotions. I’m sure you have your own resolutions. But what about church goals? What should be the main focus? What should be the primary goal in the cell-driven church?
I think Jesus spells it out in Matthew 28:19 when he speaks to his group of disciples: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” The only command in this verse is to make disciples and he’s talking to the entire group. In other words, Jesus is asking them to make groups of disciples, just like he modeled for them during the past three years. How did the disciples fulfill Christ’s great commission to make disciples? Through house to house ministry as we can see throughout the book of Acts. In the same way, the purpose of cell groups is to make disciples, following the pattern of Jesus.
Multiplication is only one of those stages in the process of making disciples, so it shouldn’t be the only goal. Disciples also need community. They need to learn how to love one another. Often times the best way to do this is by entering conflicts with other believers in the same cell group. Do you need to set a goal for overcoming conflicts in your group in 2015? Then there’s the participation side of discipleship. Each cell member should be using his or her gift (s) and becoming a priest of the living God. Do you need to set a goal in 2015 for your members to know and use their gifts and participate in the cell?
Another aspect of the discipleship process is evangelism. Disciples are formed as they reach out and exercise their muscles, not only individually but as a group. How is your cell doing in the evangelism area? If you multiply into a new cell before the members have learned to evangelize, this same lack of evangelism will play out in the new cell group. Do you need to concentrate on evangelism in 2015?
Multiplication is also part of the discipleship process. As disciples go through the church-wide equipping and learn to minister in the cell group, the natural process is starting new groups. Multiplication simply doesn’t work unless disciples are formed and ready to lead the new groups. Where are you in the multiplication process? What are your goals for forming new disciples in 2015?
Cell churches also disciple their people through the larger gathering, the equipping, and through coaching. Perhaps your goal in 2015 is to strengthen your cell system in order to make more and better disciples. Wherever you are in the process, remember that the cell church strategy is primarily to fulfill Christ’s vision to make disciples who make disciples. Let’s ask God to help us fulfill his great commission in 2015.