December 2016

JCG Newsletters

Be a Fanatic for Encouragement

I love the phrase, "Be a fanatic for encouragement." I’m not sure where the phrase originated, but I use it often and try to apply it in my own coaching of pastors and cell leaders

We can’t encourage enough. Never think, "I don’t want to give this leader a big head, so I better withhold encouraging him or her." Rather, pass on the encouragement. Don’t worry about the big head. Life will soon send the leader enough discouragements to quickly douse the excitement that your encouragement brings. 

Encouragement is especially important in the last few weeks of the year when leaders are coming to the end of their faithful service all year. Always remember that the cell leaders and coaches are volunteers and one form of "payment" is through encouragement and reminding them their reward is in heaven. 

Paul said to the Thessalonians, "Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work." (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13). Paul is referring here to the house church leaders and perhaps to overseers of other house church leaders who were doing a great job. The early church  context applies directly to encouragement to modern day cell leaders and those who are coaching them.

Some leaders have been more fruitful than others, and it is right to esteem those who have multiplied and borne much fruit. Yet, all are worthy of encouragement for faithfully showing up, preparing the lessons each week, pastoring God’s flock, and attempting to make disciples who make disciples through cell ministry. 

For the month of December, we will write ten blogs about fanatical encouragement. JCG will then take a three week break from blogging from December 18, 2016 to January 08, 2017. If you’d like to receive December blogs in your email, click here. Here are the themes we’ll cover in December: 

  • December 04-10. Importance of encouragement and why it’s oxygen to the soul. Scripture in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 speaks directly to house church leaders and overseers.  
  • December 11-17. How to encourage leaders, overseers, and other pastors. Some leaders show their appreciation through verbal acknowledgement, cards, or even a special dinner. There are many ways to encourage, but the key is actually doing it. Those who have been very fruitful in their cell ministry should be especially esteemed without neglecting those who have labored without much fruit. In fact, sometimes, those who have not seen many results need to be encouraged more!  

Have you discovered that encouragement is a key factor in your coaching? Your cell leadership? Share your experiences here.

Joel Comiskey;

1-888-511-9995 (toll free in U.S. and Canada); 1-951-567-3394 (international calls)

JCG news

2017 JCG Event in Reseda, California

  • We will have our annual JCG event in the Elim Reseda Church, on February 25, 2017. Mario Vega and Joel Comiskey will be ministering in Spanish and simultaneous English translation will be available. Sign up now for $39.00 ($59.00 at door).

2017 JCG Event in Falls Church, Virginia 

  • We will be holding our second JCG conference in Virgina/Washington D.C. area at the Elim Church Virginia area on September 02, 2017. You can register here.

JCG offers  coaching

  • Do you need help with your cell ministry? Perhaps you are making a transition to cell ministry and would like a coach to help you in the process. Or maybe you’re planing a new cell church. For more information on receiving coaching, please email us or call 1-888-511-9995. 

Desire a cell seminar in your church? Click here

2016 Seminar Schedule 

Social Media


  • Sign up now to get the JCG blog sent daily to your email inbox for free. Go to the blog site and place your email address in the box on the upper right side


  • Find out more about how you can invest in  (donate to) JCG, a non-profit ministry


Joel Comiskey’s 2016 book, Youth in Cell Ministry, is available on Amazon.

Joel Comiskey’s 2015 book, Children in Cell Ministry, can now be purchased here.  

27 videos on cell church from Joel Comiskey

  • There are 27 videos on all aspects of cell church (with downloadable resources) on Ministry Grid. Check it out

Free Ebook byJoel Comiskey and small group health assessment

  • Free Ebook from Joel Comiskey (Making Disciples in the 21st Century Church). Joel’s book is available at the end of the Thriving Small Groups Assessment. There is no catch to this. We are not asking for your contact information or trying to up-sell anything. At the end of the assessment, you will also discover the health of your small groups. I think you’ll find both of this free resources extremely helpful.

Joel Comiskey’s new book: 2000 Years of Small Groups 

Bill Beckham’s new books

Audio books (Click here)