Evangelism and Multiplication
By Joel Comiskey
By Joel Comiskey, coaching available here (free first session available for those interested in receiving coaching)
We’ve been talking this month about community and evangelism and how both are essential in cell ministry. We’ve seen how evangelism actually strengthens community in the group.
As I’ve led cells over the years, I’ve been so blessed by the transparency and community that takes place. Yet, if we don’t actively reach out, that same community and transparency can grow stagnant. But how do we promote evangelism in the cells? I have to admit that it’s easy to forget to emphasize the fourth W (Witness) and often over-extended the first three (Welcome, Worship, and Word). And I think I can generalize by saying “many” cells don’t sufficiently emphasize the Witness time.
If this is true in your own group, why don’t you change the order of the four Ws and start the meeting with the Witness time. Begin the group by asking people to share about who they are praying for to receive Jesus and what they’re doing to reach those people. Place a chair in the center of the circle and ask each person to pray for the new person who will fill that chair. Be sure to also pray for some kind of outreach activity. In this way you will show prioritize the members how important outreach is in the cell. I include a lot of suggestions for the Witness time in my book:
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