Church Leadership
by Joel Comiskey
We’ve been blogging here on JCG about the benefits of large mega cell churches. But what does it take to lead such a church? Here are a few requirements I’ve noticed:
- A gifted, talented senior pastor. Some lead pastors come to mind: Mario Vega, David Cho, Larry Stockstill, Werner Kniessel, and Dion Roberts. One special gift / talent of lead pastors of mega cell churches is their ability to preach. People are attracted to the celebration services because of their effective preaching ministry. Cell ministry allows the church to grow in quality and quantity, but the senior pastor’s preaching ministry is a key factor.
- An administrative structure that is ever expanding. The lead pastor of a mega cell church must be willing to delegate. He is able to raise up and trust an ever-increasing team of pastors to do the ministry. Mega church senior pastors coach the pastors of the church. The senior leader’s confident delegation is an essential principle in mega cell churches.
- A large meeting place. Granted some cell churches promote sattelite churches, but all of the large cell churches I know have at least one large central meeting place.
I love mega cell churches, but there are very few of them in the world today. Why? Very few pastors have the necessary incredients to lead a mega cell church. Few have the talent of David Cho or Mario Vega, for example. Second, it’s becoming harder and harder to obtain land and build large mega cell churches in the world today. Even renting space for such a large crowd can be exceedingly difficult.
We need to praise God for the large, growing cell churches in the world today. Yet, most cell churches will be smaller, simpler, and more reproducible. Next week we will explore the benefits of smaller, multiplying cell churches
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