- Ten largest Cell Churches
- Journey to the Giants (Outreach Magazine)
- Principles from the Largest Churches-Part 1
- Principles from the Largest Churches-Part 2
- Worldwide Cell Church Movement
- Large and Small Cell Churches Are Part of the Cell Movement
Central/South America
- Latin America: leading the way in cell ministry
- Cell Church planting in Argentina
- Cell Church explosion in Latin America
- Cell Church transition in Peru
- Cell strategy at the Republic Church
- The passion behind the Elim Church
- The Baptists in Mexico
- Yoido Full Gospel Church (1997-more in-depth)
- Yoido Full Gospel Church (2005)
- Cell Church in Thailand
- Cambodian Cell Church
- Faith Community Baptist Church-Singapore
North America
- North American cell churches listed in The Church that Multiplies
- New NCD study compares North American cell churches with non-cell churches
- The condition of the North American church today
- North American individualism
- Resistance to Cell Church in the Western World
- North American Culture and Cell Ministry
- Dove Christian Fellowship
- Bethel International Ministry