What is Cell Church
- What is a Cell Church?
- The Cell-driven Church: how it works
- The Radical Middle: a New Way to Describe the Cell Church
- Cell and Celebration in the Organic Cell Church System
- New Hunger for the Radical Middle
- Exciting New Cell Church Study that Shows Cell Churches are the Healthiest
- New NCD Study Compares North American Cell Churches with Non-cell churches
- Recommended Bibliography for Cell Ministry
Theology of the Cell Church Movement
- Theological Motivations for Cell Church Ministry
- Myth: the Motivation for Cell Church is Church Growth
- Theology: Why We Do What We Do
- Theology: Why Cells?
- Refreshing the Why of Small Group Ministry
- Theology: Foundation of Rock or Sand (chapter 1 of Foundations)
- Theology: Building a Strong Foundation
- Theology Gives Wings to Cell Ministry
- Theology: The Family of God (chapter 3 of Foundations)
- Theology: The House in the New Testament (chapter 5 of Foundations)
- Theology: Leadership in the New Testament (chapter 7 of Foundations)
- Theology: The Connection of Cell and Celebration (chapter 8 of Foundations)
- Theology: Summary of the Trinity and Cell Church
- Theology: Brief Summary of Key Foundations for Cell Church Ministry
- Theology: Start with the Why
- Theology: Making Disciples-the Essence of Cell Ministry
- Theology: Growing in the Why of Cell Ministry
- Theology: Not Straying from the Why of Cell Ministry
- Theology: Three Foundations for Cell Ministry
- Theology: How culture relates to cell church
- Theology: biblical culture
- Theology: The Trinity Working in Us
- Myth: If I Choose to Become a Cell Church, My Church Will Grow
- Myth: If My Church Does Not Grow, I’m Not Successful
- Myth: The Cultural Context Should Dictate the Ministry Strategy
- What Would Jesus Do?
- Jesus and Divine Appointments
- Jesus and Team Ministry
- Why Become a Cell-based Church?
- My Journey into Cell-Based Ministry
Cell Church Principles
- Why Don’t All Two-Winged Churches Fly
- The Myth of the Two-winged Church
- Concentration in the Cell Church
- Concentration: Redoubling Your Focus
- Concentration: Make a Paradigm Shift
- Concentration: Learning to Say No
- Concentration: How One Church Learned to Say No
- Concentration: The Need to Focus
- Concentration: The Power of Habit
- Concentration: Focusing on the One Thing
- Biblical Values and Time-tested Principles
- Principles Versus Models
- Cell Church Principles Practiced in the World’s Largest Cell Churches
- Passion, Persistence, and Penetration: Key Lessons from the Elim Church
- Model Sickness: how to Move beyond Models to Cell Church Growth
- The Secret Is That There Is No Secret
- Avoiding Cell Church Legalism
- Avoiding Small Group Model Myopia: The Power and the Pitfalls of Different Small Group Models, by Jim Egli, Ph.D.
- Cell Principles that Work
- Cell Church Principles for a Post-Christian Culture
- When You Become a Model
- What Would You Do Differently?
- North American Culture and Cell Ministry
- Does the Western culture resist cell church
- Networking: Learning from Others
- Networking: Generosity and Open Sharing
- Day One in Cell Ministry: Going Back to Disciple-making
- Day One in Cell Ministry: Making Disciples in the Cell
- Day One in Cell Ministry: Making Disciples in the Cell Church
Senior Pastor / Staff in Cell Church
- The Senior Pastor’s Role in Cell Ministry
- The Senior Pastor’s Growth in Vision
- The Senior Pastor Must Guide the Cell Vision
- The Senior Pastor: Key Visionary in the Cell Church
- The Senior Pastor: His Involvement in Cell Ministry
- What It Takes to Lead a Mega Cell Church
- Cell Church Pioneers: Special Tribute to Ralph Neighbour, Jr.
- Interview with Mario Vega-2012 for Global Leadership Summit
- Cell Lessons Based on the Pastor’s Sermon
- Team Ministry in the Cell Church
- Fine-Tuning Your Small Group System
- Pastoral Team: A Key to Effectiveness in Cell Ministry
- Functions of Team Members in the Cell Church
- Mending Nets or Creating New Ones
- Team Ministry Priorities
- Staffing in the Cell Church
- Ranchers: Pastoring the Pastors
- Ranchers: The First Cell-based Assembly
- Ranchers: Developing the Team
- Don’t Over-Sell the Cell Vision
- Don’t Give Up
- The Need for Personal Retreats
- Myth: Change the Church by Criticizing It
- Myth: Leading People into Cell Church Is Similar to Leading People into Other Church Programs
- Leading with Passion
- Leading with a Focus
- Leading by Coaching the Leaders
- Leading by Making Disciples
- Taking the Next Step in Pastoral Ministry
- Two Deep Values of Effective Pastors
- Lead by Example
- Pastoral Involvement in Cell Ministry
- Living God’s Word in a Practical Way
- The E=mc2 of Cell Ministry
- Development and Deployment: Key Priorities in Disciple-making
- What is the Role of the Cell Champion?
Cells as the Base of the Church (integration)
- Integration in the Cell Church
- Integration: Don’t Settle for Second Best
- Integration: More than Tasks
- Integration: Don’t Steal Sheep
- Integration: Learning to Say No
- How to Integrate Cells and Ministry
- The Dilemma of Ministries
- Four Streams of Ministry
- Myth: It’s Okay to Simply Add Cell Ministry to What You Are Already Doing
- Cell Integration: Cell Church versus Church with Cells
- Pausing Programs to Concentrate on Cell Ministry
History of the Cell Movement
- The Demise of the House Church
- Small Groups and Monasticism
- Small Groups in the Pre-Reformation
- Luther and Small Groups
- Martin Bucer and Small Groups
- The Anabaptists
- Puritan Conventicles
- The Methodists
- The Modern Cell Church Movement
- God is Purifying His Church Today
- Make History Now
- Inspired by the Pioneers of Cell Church History
- Learning from the Past to Enhance the Future
Vision and Goal Setting
- Importance of Vision
- The Foundation for Vision
- Vision and Transparency
- Renewing the Vision
- Why it’s Important to Set Small Group Goals in the Cell Church
- How to Set Small Group Goals in the Cell Church
- Setting Realistic Goals
- Trust God for the Results
- The Goal of Making Disciples
- 2020 Vision
- Projecting the Goals of Disciples through Cells
- The Goal of Making Better Disciples
- The Tendency to Set the Goals Too High or Too Low
- Healthy Goal Setting
- Goals: The Strategy of Jesus
- Stretch, Celebrate, and Rest
- Goals: Vision in Goal Setting
- Goals: Biblical values
- Goals: equipping and coaching
- Vision and Goals: Focusing on One Thing
- Misguided Goals
- Moving Forward in Cell Ministry
- Key Goal Setting Principle: Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
- Goal Setting: God’s Unique Plan for Your Church
- Goal Setting: Realistic Goal setting
Transitioning to Cell Church
- The Importance of Motivation in the Transition Process
- Three Steps to Take When Starting a Cell Ministry
- Transitioning from a Traditional Church to Cell Church
- Transitioning with One or More Prototype Cells
- Don’t Start Cell Church Immediately
- Don’t Get Sidetracked in the Transitioning Process
- Transitioning Takes Time
- Count the Cost of the Transition
- You Can Transition Your Church
- Transitioning to Cell Church Ministry
- Starting with a Pilot Group Helps Lay a Quality Foundation
- Post-Transition: Building the Infrastructure
Cell Church Movement
- The Future of the Cell Church Movement
- Will the Cell Church work in North America?
- The North American Church: what’s Happening in the Church in North America?
- Obstacles to Cell Church in North America and Cell Church Solutions
- Worldwide Cell Church Movement
- Myth: The Cell Church is a Fad
- How God is Using Crisis to Purify His Church
Celebration in the Cell Church
- From Celebration to Cell: Assimilation Strategies
- The Two-Winged Church: how to Balance Celebration and Cell
- Is the Larger Gathering Biblical?
- Assimilation of new people in the cell church
- Do Cells Need to Meet Weekly in a Celebration Service?
- How Cells Celebrate on Sunday
- Reaping the Harvest through the Celebration Service
- The Case for Large Cell Churches
- Benefits of Mega Cell Churches
- Bill Beckham on Celebration in the Cell Church
- Cell-celebration: Both Are Important
- Cell-celebration: Guided by Cell
- Cell-celebration: Connecting the Two
- Cell-celebration: Emphasizing Different Wings at Different Times
- Discipleship through the Larger Gathering
- Discipleship through celebration: the general concept
- Discipleship through celebration: preach the Word
- Discipleship through celebration: cell-driven
- Discipleship through celebration: reaching unbelievers
- Connecting People in the Two Winged Church
- Connecting People Requires Lead Pastor’s Involvement
- Connecting People from Celebration to Cell
- Connecting People from Cell to Celebration
- Cell Multiplication and Discipleship as a way to fulfill the Great Commission
Prayer in the Cell Church
- How Prayer Changed One Pastor’s Church
- How to Make Prayer Work in the Cell Church
- Persistent Prayer
- Only Jesus Can Revive His Church
- The Power and Priority of Prayer
- Start with Prayer
- Take Time to be Holy
- Prayer: Commitment to Prayer
- Prayer: Personal Prayer
- Prayer: Prayer Shield
- Prayer: Group Prayer
- The Priority of Prayer
- Victory through Prayer
Financial Giving in the Cell Church
- Where and How Cell Churches Give Their Offerings
- Increased Giving in the Cell Church
- Hiring Pastors through Cell Fruitfulness
- Meeting Social Needs through Cell Ministry
Encouraging/Honoring Cell Leaders
Cell Reporting
- The Power of Small Group Statistics: The Hows and Whys of Reporting
- The Importance of Gathering Cell Statistics
- What Kind of Statistics are Needed?
- Pitfalls of Cell Reporting
- Quality Control through Statistical Reporting
Denominations and the Cell Church
- Can Cell Churches Exist within Denominations?
- A Multitude of Denominational Cell Churches
- Cell Church Obstacles to Overcome within Denominations
- Tips for Cell Churches within Denominations
Cell Church Issues
- When a Leader Becomes Heretical
- The Emerging Church and Cell Ministry
- Reaching Generation X through Cell Ministry
- CCMN: Cell Church Missions Network
- Constitutions, Bylaws, Church Government and the Cell Church
- Women in Ministry and the Cell Church
- Women in the New Testament Ministry
- The Dones: Keeping them
- The Dones: Activating them
- The Dones: Dangers in Cell Church
- Covid-19: the Church in Times of Crisis
- Covid-19: community in Times of Crisis
- Covid-19: the Gates of Hell Won’t Prevail Against the Church