Evangelism and Multiplication
by Joel Comiskey
Winter 2008
Ben Wong, founder of CCMN, has an excellent PowerPoint on the concept of sending (or being sent out) (download the PowerPoint here). He argues that Christ desires to “send us” rather than “keep us.” Ben feels that the missing factor in the modern doctrine of the church is “sending.” He emphasizes that the “church” is what the people of God DO in the world, rather than what we do in “church.” Jesus often talked about how the Father sent him into the world (e.g., Luke 4:18, John 4:34). And then at least seven times Jesus tells us that we are also sent into the world to continue the process. Jesus says in John 17:18, for example, ”As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.”
Jesus trained and discipled people in order to send them. Sadly, we often disciple people in order to keep them. Notice that the word “send” is lodged within Christ’s prayer for harvest workers. Jesus says, “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:38).
Cell ministry is never an end in itself. Unless cell members are challenged and trained to be workers, small groups easily become stagnant and die. Ben Wong says, ”Sending should be the basic DNA of the church. . . A person’s growth has a progression – from following leaders – to becoming a leader.”
Wong even wonders if we should change the term “multiplication” to “sending.” Whatever you call it, I”m sure you get the point: God matures us spiritually in order to send us.
Celyce and I will start a new Life group in our neighborhood in January. We felt it was the natural next step from our last Life group. What is the next step for you in cell ministry? For some, it means joining a cell group? For others, it’s participating in the next cell plant, as leader or part of a sending team. For others, it’s entering the equipping track in preparation to be sent.