Day One in the Cell Vision
Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is the richest man in the world and Amazon is one the most successful companies. One reason for Bezo’s success is keeping the company’s vision fresh. “It’s Always Day One” has been Bezos’s mantra ever since he founded the company 24 years ago, and this phrase guides Amazon today.
Some cell churches need to go back to day one. They’ve lost the initial excitement of house to house ministry. They’ve forgotten the pure joy of making disciples who make disciples through cell groups. They’ve become bogged down with complicated methods and programs. Cell ministry subtly has become “old hat” and even boring. “We are supposed to do it this way,” becomes the guiding theme and this mentality excites no one. It’s even possible to become legalistic, especially if the church is following someone else’s model, rather than biblical principles. Churches, like individuals, need renewal and refreshment–to go back to day one.
One pastor I’ve been coaching for five years recently asked me to help the church “re-imagine” or “re-vitalize” their vision. They wanted to go back to day one. This pastor was referring to a re-dedication or renewal in the vision. This church didn’t want to reinvent the cell vision and were actually doing quite well. But they also noticed that some people were simply going through the motions and had lost the “why” of cell ministry. This church wanted their people to experience the joy of cell ministry once again. They wanted to go back to day one.
Is God calling your church to go back to day one? The first place to start is a re-dedication to the biblical basefor cell ministry. Without the biblical passion running through the entire cell vision, people can forget the reason behind the cell church. In February, experienced pastors and leaders will write twenty blogs on this theme. If you’d like to receive these blogs daily in your inbox, click here. We’ll cover:
- Week 1 (February 04-10). Re-dedication to the why of cell ministry. We’ll talk about the biblical base, one-anothers, house to house ministry in the New Testament. After all, the Bible, along with the Spirit of God is the only true source for renewal.
- Week 2: February 11-17). Re-dedication to making disciples through the cell. This might mean encouraging leaders to rejoice in the progress already made in discipleship in the cell. It might mean a renewal for evangelism, use of the spiritual gifts, and multiplication-which are all part of the discipleship process.
- Week 3: February 18-24; due date). Re-dedication to making disciples through the cell system. I’m referring here to equip members to become leaders, new focus on coaching existing leaders, and renewal of discipling people in the celebration service. This might call for testimonies on Sunday, value-based sermon on cell principles, and so forth.
- Week 4: February 25-March 03; due date: February 23). Re-dedication to prayer: Prayer is the air of the cell church vision. Cells are the conduits of the Holy Spirit’s work. We can’t pray enough, and we need to rededicate ourselves to prayer.
Feel free to share about your journey in staying fresh in the cell vision and living in day one.
Joel Comiskey and Jim Egli’s 2018 book, Groups that Thrive: 7 Surprising Discoveries about Life-Giving Small Groups will be available in March 2018.
Spirit-special. For only 10.95 (and free U.S. shipping), get two books: The Spirit-filled Small Group and Discover ($21.00 retail price).
Youth in Cell Ministry, is available now for purchase. Read introduction and chapters here.
Free articles and resources here
Free shipping for all books shipped in U.S.
Read parts of Joel Comiskey’s book, Children in Cell Ministry, here.
Ebook for 2000 Years of Small Groups
All books here.
JCG news
2018 JCG Event in Reseda, California
We will have our annual JCG event in the Elim Reseda Church, on March 9-11, 2018 (notice the extended schedule). Mario Vega and Joel Comiskey will be ministering in Spanish and simultaneous English translation will be available. There will be additional speakers on Friday night and Saturday night.
2018 JCG Event in Falls Church, Virginia
- We will be holding our third JCG conference in Virgina/Washington D.C. area at the Elim Church Virginia area on September 01, 2018. You can register here.
JCG offers coaching
- Do you need help with your cell ministry? Perhaps you are making a transition to cell ministry and would like a coach to help you in the process. Or maybe you’re planing a new cell church. For more information on receiving coaching, please email us or call 1-888-511-9995.
Desire a cell seminar in your church? Click here
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