by joelcomiskey | Jun 29, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry
From my last two blogs, you might get the impression that I’m negative toward G12. I’m not. I actually love G12 principles. I even refer to myself as a cell church person fine-tuned by G12 principles. All my seminars and teaching are loaded with G12...
by Steve Cordle | Jun 28, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry
By Steve Cordle For years now, Joel Comiskey has been sounding the call to be principle-centered rather than model-centered. This is very healthy and freeing! One of the reasons we need to hear that is the strong attraction of “formula” ministry. Many...
by joelcomiskey | Jun 27, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry
On Monday’s blog I was talking about the G-12 model, and specifically how César Fajardo, the key architect of the G12 strategy in Bogota, Colombia has now left the church. Fajardo has started a new church called Sin Muros (without walls), and I heard it has...
by Rob Campbell | Jun 26, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry
by Rob Campbell A good portion of cell churches around the world use some type of format or outline during the actual cell gathering. My church family utilizes the ever so popular 4 W’s. This cell gathering format really works for us. I have found that cell...
by joelcomiskey | Jun 25, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry
During my recent trip to Argentina, I came face to face with questions about Groups of Twelve. As I met with the city pastors of Cordoba, Argentina, the most controversial question was about César Castellanos and Groups of Twelve. I discovered that several large...
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