by Mario Vega | Feb 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Mario Vega, A while ago, I went to visit a friend of many years in a crowded neighborhood of El Salvador. As we talked, I heard Christian songs from a nearby meeting. I looked out the window to see what was happening and my friend explained...
by billjoukhadar | Feb 26, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Bill Joukhadar Cells that are effective in outreaching unchurched friends need to keep in mind the advantages of their ‘not-yet’ believer friends encountering a broader experience of Christian community in the church through participating...
by jimwall | Feb 25, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Jim Wall Both cell and celebration gatherings are critical parts of dispensing hope to a hopeless world. I’ve noticed that our celebration services typically sees two types of first time attenders. The Type A visitor is the one who walks about three steps into...
by jefftunnell | Feb 24, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Jeff Tunnell At our first high point of cell multiplication we found there were 25% more people in cells than in weekend celebrations. Having more people in cells than celebrations was a goal of penetrating our area with the good news of Jesus and providing a...
by robertlay | Feb 23, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Robert Lay, Cell Church Ministry Brazil The New Testament Church is a movement. Movements are dynamic and there is a constant influence of the body of Christ in society through relationships. Jesus demonstrated this in his ministry by relating to people all the...
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