What Does a Healthy Cell Church Look Like?

By Mario Vega, www.elim.org.sv Myth: True health is determined by whether the cell grows numerically Truth: Discipleship is the determination of true health. When the modern cell movement began with Pastor Cho, in South Korea, it was very soon related to numerical...

Life through death – the way of Jesus

By Mark Speeter, lead pastor at Antioch Fullerton, www.antiochfullerton.com Myth: People are too busy to lead cell groups, so we need to lower the bar or do the hard work for them. Truth: People often come alive as they embrace the responsibility of spiritual...

Have We Failed?

By Bill Mellinger, www.crestlinefbc.com As I look back over the past eleven years of cell ministry, I have seen a lot of change in our church. I thought that we would regularly be starting new groups with new believers. Frankly, at times it has troubled me that we...