by Rodrigo Leone | Oct 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Rodrigo Leone, a member of a cell and part of the pastoral team after multiplying several cells. He is pastor of the adult network and responsible for the leadership training of the Central Baptist Church in Itabira – MG The cells are grassroots communities...
by Rodrigo Leone | Oct 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Rodrigo Leone, a member of a cell and part of the pastoral team after multiplying several cells. He is pastor of the adult network and responsible for the leadership training of the Central Baptist Church in Itabira – MG. When thinking about taking the next...
by Andrew Kirk | Oct 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Andrew Kirk, Director of Generation 2 generation, Website –, Social Media – @G2gMandate It is vitally important that lead pastors are actively involved in cell life, leading by example, as everyone’s eyes are on them. They are the...
by michellegeoffrey | Oct 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
Michelle Geoffrey, cell pastor at Have you ever smelled a sheep? The closest I have ever been to smelling one was at a petting zoo, and the odor is not pleasant. When we start going to church and surrender our lives to the Lord, we stink...
by Joshua David Lopez Grajaeda | Oct 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
by Joshua David Lopez Grajeda, Doctor in Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary has served as pastor for 25 years and is lead pastor of North Nazareth Church, a growing cell church in Guatemala City, Guatemala. I heard about the vision of small groups a few years...
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