by Mario Vega | Mar 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Mario Vega Prior to our transition to become a cell church, it was clear that we were only emphasizing the celebration wing. We focused almost exclusively on the celebrations during Elim’s first nine years. When we started the cell church transition, it was...
by Ralph Neighbour, Jr. | Mar 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Ralph Neighbour In the flow of a cell calendar, four stages are followed: Consolidation, Foundation, Penetration, Cultivation. These guide the cell groups in their equipping track. The launch pad for the Cultivation stage is a churchwide Harvest Event that draws in...
by jimwall | Mar 27, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Jim Wall Our church is located in a large metropolitan area. A few years ago, we discovered our church family included several families who lived in small towns thirty to forty-five minutes away. They attended our weekend celebrations. They did not join our cells...
by jefftunnell | Mar 26, 2012 | Uncategorized
By Jeff Tunnell Pastor Rob Hastings & I were discussing this topic yesterday: “Where should our emphasis be at this time in our cell church development?” When we had 30 cells, those groups became the front door of the church. We had more people...
by joelcomiskey | Mar 25, 2012 | Uncategorized
by Joel Comiskey The cell church teaches and practices both cell and celebration. However, cell or celebration might be emphasized more or less in the church’s life cycle. Let me explain. Most church plants will begin by focusing almost entirely on the cell. As...
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