by gerardocampos | Feb 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
By Gerardo Campos, District pastor at Elim Church, San Salvador, El Salvador, In his book Myths and Truths of the Cell Church, Joel wrote about the myth that says, “Once you have a model, stick with it.” Comiskey comes back with the truth, “Innovate...
by Stephen Daigle | Feb 25, 2021 | Uncategorized
By Stephen Daigle, College and Young Adult Pastor at Celebration Church, This year will make 7 years of marriage for me and my wife. When we got married we made a commitment to each other to do whatever it takes to have a healthy marriage....
by lesbrickman | Feb 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
By Dr. Les Brickman, When making decisions about goal-setting, two things have to happen. We have to take in information. Then we have to make conclusions based on that information. Some of us are prone to primarily gather information in a very...
by lesbrickman | Feb 23, 2021 | Uncategorized
By Dr. Les Brickman, As we peer into 2022 (Yes – I did say 2022. It is not an error), what kind of goals would God have us establish for 2021 in order for us to reach where He desires us to be entering 2022? Think with me about the men of...
by daphnekirk | Feb 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
By Daphne Kirk,; Twitter: daphnekirk The day of hidden opportunities is here. In a time when much of the church worldwide is experiencing restrictions, watch for the open door. Allow me to humbly ask you some questions: Are you the church of the...
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