Making Disciples in the 21st Century Church

by Joel Comiskey I just wanted to let you know that my new book, Making Disciples in the Twenty-first Century Church is now on sale and shipping from the JCG website (next day shipping). This book was originally going to be the second part of my last book (Biblical...


by Joel Comiskey I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for all those who have blogged on JCG throughout 2013. I specifically want to to thank our weekly bloggers: Jeff Tunnell, Rob Campbell, Steve Cordle, and Mario Vega. Your time and sacrifice blessed and...

Incentives for Leaders in a Mega Church

by Mario Vega, In a church the size of a city, such as Elim, it is difficult to encourage leaders through gifts or dinners. But there are other ways to do it. One is to reserve special functions that only leaders can perform. Whether it is...

Three Overlooked Truths about Recognition

by Steve Cordle, 1. The more specific, the more meaningful. Yelling “Good job!” to the entire team as they run off the soccer field is less meaningful than coming alongside a player and saying, “That pass you made to set up Jason’s goal...

Convey Gratefulness

By Michele Gooch, Network Pastor at I found myself at a lunch table with two nursing home residents. The lady on my right absolutely appreciated everything; the lady to my left had no regard for anything. The conversation went like this:...