Making Disciples in the 21st Century Church

by | Dec 16, 2013 | Uncategorized | 6 comments


by Joel Comiskey

I just wanted to let you know that my new book, Making Disciples in the Twenty-first Century Church is now on sale and shipping from the JCG website (next day shipping).

This book was originally going to be the second part of my last book (Biblical Foundations for the Cell-Based Church), but we decided to make it a separate book due to size and the need to go more in-depth.

This book explains the essence of cell ministry, focusing on the why question. As you do cell ministry as a pastor or a cell leader, it’s critical that you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, and this book will encourage you to press on in a new way and be even more fruitful for Jesus.

If you’d like to read the table of contents and what othere are saying, click here.

If you’d like to read a chapter before buying the book, click here.

My prayer is that God would abundantly bless you this Christmas season and that he would give you new vision and fruit in 2014.

Joel Comiskey

Korean (click here)


Fazendo Discpulos na Igreja do Século XXI

por Joel Comiskey

Meu novo livro, Fazendo Discpulos na Igreja do Século XXI está a venda e sendo enviado através do website JCG (entrega no dia seguinte).

Este livro seria a segunda parte do meu último livro (Fundamentos Bblicos para Igrejas Baseadas em Células), mas ele ficou muito extenso e decidimos fazê-lo um livro a parte.

Este livro explica a essência do ministério em células. Ele responde à pergunta “porquê?”. Ao você fazer o seu trabalho como pastor ou lder de célula, é essencial que você saiba porque você faz e o que você está fazendo, e este livro responderá a esta pergunta. Eu creio que este livro o encorajará a se forçar a fazer as coisas de uma maneira diferente e ser ainda mais frutfero para Jesus. Espero que você leia.

Se você quiser ler o ndice e o que as pessoas estão dizendo, clique aqui.

Se você quiser ler um captulo antes de comprar o livro, clique aqui.

Minha oração é que Deus o abençoe abundantemente nesta época do Natal e que ele te dê nova visão e frutos em 2014.

Joel Comiskey


Haciendo Discpulos en la Iglesia del Siglo XXI

Por Joel Comiskey

Mi nuevo libro, Haciendo Discpulos en la Iglesia del siglo XXI, está a la venta y hay envo desde la página web JCG (envo del da siguiente).

Este libro iba a ser la segunda parte de mi último libro (Fundamentos Bblicos para la Iglesia basada en células), pero se hizo demasiado grande y decidimos convertirlo en un libro aparte.

Este libro explica la esencia del ministerio celular. Responde la pregunta por qué. Como hacer ministerio celular como pastor o como lder celular, es importante que usted sepa por qué está haciendo lo que está haciendo, y este libro le responderá esa pregunta. Creo que este libro le animará a seguir adelante de una manera nueva y más fructfera para Jesús. Espero que lo lea.

Si desea leer la tabla de contenidos y lo que otros dicen, haga clic aqu.

Si desea leer un captulo antes de comprar el libro, haga clic aqu.

Mi oración es que Dios te bendiga abundantemente en esta temporada Navideña y que te de una nueva visión y fruto en el 2014.

Joel Comiskey


  1. Rick Diefenderfer

    Hello Bro. Joel,

    What blessing and conformation I received when I visit today and learn of your new book, “Making Disciples in the Twenty-first Century Church”.

    I have been doing expository teaching/preaching through the book of John since January 2012 and have thus far squeezed 14 chapters into 24 months! Back in July of this year, one of the men of our church publicly threatened to leave our church if I continue teaching on ‘discipleship’. I responded by showing him the door. I have no interest in wasting away my years pastoring a crowd of consumers; my goal, and our church’s stated goal, is to ‘disciple disciples who make disciples’. Yes, the aforementioned confrontation has awakened me to the ever rapidly changing 21st Century culture.

    In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus’ last (and most important command) is to: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to obey him”. Our Lord’s simple design has been for every disciple of Jesus to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.”

    I look forward to reading your latest book. Thank you for taking the time to write it. May God continue to bless you and His purpose for your life real good!

    Sharing the Journey,
    Rick Diefenderfer

  2. Rick Diefenderfer

    Joel, I thought I’d give your book a quick glance before reading it and discovered I can’t put it down. Great read! God began revealing the urgency of boldly proclaiming the mission of cell-based ministry is indeed the Great Commission.

    Personally, I made a vow to God long ago to officiate marriages for people who are not actively involved in a church nor will I bury someone who was not actively involved in a church. Then, about a year ago, I amended my vow to also include, not baptizing someone who doesn’t exhibit a genuine desire of being a follower of/learner of Jesus Christ.

    In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

    Q. Go and make what?
    A. Disciples

    Q. Baptizing and teaching who?
    A. Disciples

    Now, sometime after a supposed profession of faith and the sacrament of baptism, we require candidates for baptism to show they wish to be a disciple (learner) by completing a seven lesson course of the Gospel of John (by Charles Brock).

    Yes, it’s all about ‘being disciples making disciples’. I applaud you for your latest book. Most of all, I applaud you for writing it before I did.

    Sharing the Journey,
    Rick Diefenderfer

  3. Rick Diefenderfer

    CORRECTION — “I made a vow to God long ago to NOT officiate marriages for people who are not actively involved in a church nor will I bury someone who was not actively involved in a church.”

  4. Joel Comiskey

    Hey, Rick, thanks for the encouragement. You and I are on the same wave length: making disciples is the chief motivation and reason for cell ministry. When people catch this, they will press on in spite of the obstacles. Without this motivation, it’s too easy to be tossed around by the waves of ministry. Merry Christmas. Joel

  5. Wilson

    Hi Joel, do you have a Chinese version of your book on “Making Disciples in the Twenty-First Century Church”?

    • joelcomiskeyadmin

      I don’t think I do.


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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
