by Mario Vega | Sep 22, 2022 | Post-Covid Small Groups, Uncategorized
By Mario Vega, Cells through Zoom and other apps proved very helpful during the lockdown. It was better to have virtual meetings with their limitations than not to have any at all. But what were those limitations? Here are some limitations of...
by jefftunnell | Sep 21, 2022 | Post-Covid Small Groups, Uncategorized
By Jeff Tunnell, JCG board member, pastor emeritus, and cell church advocate. As a child, I recall learning various rules: chores at home, manners toward elders, being on time and keeping my word. And of course, I had to learn all the rules of grammar. But I also...
by Timo Barbosa | Sep 20, 2022 | Post-Covid Small Groups, Uncategorized
Timo Barbosa, Catalyst Communities – Southern Cone Brazil, IG @thimoteobarbosa During those shutdown days of Covid-19, we felt the need to make the most of every opportunity. For some, it was that simple desire of strolling down the park. For others, it was the...
by Timo Barbosa | Sep 19, 2022 | Post-Covid Small Groups, Uncategorized
Timo Barbosa, Catalyst Communities – Southern Cone Brazil, IG @thimoteobarbosa In the light of post-Covid cell groups, God wants us to reflect and think about the details of our lives. Those details point out areas that God wants to change and where our hearts...
by joelcomiskeyadmin | Sep 18, 2022 | Post-Covid Small Groups, Uncategorized
By Joel Comiskey, How to Lead a Great Small Group (new 2022 edition) I believe that God is calling his church back to face-to-face cell groups. We’ve been exploring post-Covid small groups on the JCG blog this month. But what about those people who have been won to...
by Mario Vega | Sep 15, 2022 | Post-Covid Small Groups, Uncategorized
By Mario Vega, Churches lost many members during the pandemic. I am not referring to those who, due to COVID 19, left to be with Jesus. Rather, I speak of those who deserted and have not returned to the churches after the reopening of services in the...
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