Building Relationships within the Cell

by Robert Lay, Cell Church Ministry Brazil Relationships are the basis of cell life in every aspect. The leader does not have to develop all the relationships in the cell. He has the responsibility to see that everybody in the cell has relationships. A very good way...

Discipleship in Groups of Three

Discipleship in Groups of Three by Jeff Boersma [Jeff Boersma planted a cell church in Michigan with the Christian Reformed Church. He now serves as a coach.  He has served as a Senior Pastor, Co-Pastor, and Church Planter] We call our micro cells “triads.” We...

Following Jesus in Leadership Training

by Jim Egli, Some time ago I wanted to figure out how important leadership training was to Jesus? Where was it on his priority list? How much time did he take doing leadership training? I came to the conclusion that it was incredibly important to Jesus,...

Make More Disciples by Making Less

By Michael C. Mack The best cell leader ever formed a small team that would eventually change the world. But first, Jesus called two sets of brothers: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Three of these, Peter, James, and John, became Jesus’ inner circle, his Core...