by robertlay | Jun 30, 2016 | Uncategorized
By Robert Lay, There are many ways to transition a program based church to a cell church. But it is very important to observe three steps to take in this process. They are: “ADD, ADAPT, and CUTâ€. To start the transition, after all preparation,...
by Mario Vega | Jun 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
by Mario Vega, One of the main motivations for pastors to make the transition to the cell model is to achieve church growth. From this point of view, the transition would be a way to further growth in numbers and would be judged by whether the church...
by billmellinger | Jun 28, 2016 | Uncategorized
Pastor Bill Mellinger, Crestline First Baptist; When we started the transition of our sixty-five-year-old church, Joel Comiskey asked me how fast I wanted to proceed. I told him, “I am a fast tracker. I am a church planter; an innovator and I...
by scottboren | Jun 27, 2016 | Uncategorized
by M. Scott Boren, The Center for Community and Mission ( , Twitter@mscottboren In my previous post, I wrote about the importance of adaptive leadership, which calls for the discipline of getting on the balcony. In this post, I want to...
by scottboren | Jun 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
by M. Scott Boren, The Center for Community and Mission, ; Twitter@mscottboren One of the keys to an effective transition—and you see this in all of the cell churches that have transitioned from a traditional church—is what is called...
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