Laughter and Joy in Cell Ministry

By Robert Lay, The cell is the body of Christ. It should reflect Christ’s image and life style. Jesus was a very friendly person. He spoke to everybody, was kind to everybody, ate and drank with everybody and treated the people, I think, with...

Do We Have To Have Fun?

By Bill Mellinger, A lot of great ideas for having fun with your cell have been shared this month. Laughter, eating, sharing, spending time together inside and outside the cells are all about the things we do to build relationships. Why does fun...

Taking God Seriously Enough to Have Fun

By Scott Boren, The Center for Community and Mission  ( , Twitter@mscottboren I have an intense personality, the kind that seemed to put me in leadership positions as a teenager. On the bus to football games in middle school, I would yell...

Leadership, Trust, and Fun

By Scott Boren, The Center for Community and Mission  ( , Twitter@mscottboren There is little as serious as the things of God. After all, we are talking about the encounter with the transcendent God and his gospel that is to be proclaimed...

Joy and Solemnity in the Cell

por Mario Vega, It is very important that participating in a cell is a pleasant experience for both members and guests. When the environment is cheerful and fun, people are attracted to Jesus and often become believers. However, the main motivation of...