God’s Perfect Provision

By André Schalitt, member of the pastoral team at the ABA church, in Blumenau (SC), coordinator of the ABA Teaching Institute, a researcher in the areas of leadership and church growth, writer, and speaker. He works specifically in theological teaching and training of...

Caring for Members through the Cell System

By Mario Vega, www.elim.org.svMany families at the Elim church in El Salvador earn their living through small commercial activities or with temporary jobs. When the lockdown occurred during the pandemic in 2020, their fragile domestic economy was broken. They could no...

More Than a Meeting

By Aaron Lemuel De La Torre, Iglesia Bautista de la Comunidad in Hidalgo, Texas, https://www.comunidadiglesia.com/ One of the reasons our church is such a proponent of the cell group model is because it provides a platform that allows for the development of the...

Jesus’ Movement of Love and Care

By Robert Lay, Cell Church Ministry Brazil, www.celulas.com.br Jesus started a new movement, different from the religious and institutional system of the Old Testament. In Old Testament times, the people were cared for by specially trained and ordained priests. In the...