God’s Perfect Provision

By André Schalitt, member of the pastoral team at the ABA church, in Blumenau (SC), coordinator of the ABA Teaching Institute, a researcher in the areas of leadership and church growth, writer, and speaker. He works specifically in theological teaching and training of...

Hospitality Reflects the Nature of Jesus

By André Schalitt, author and researcher who lives and ministers in Brazil. Andre loves cell ministry and has traveled with Joel Comiskey in Brazil promoting the cell-based church. Hospitality goes against our natural, selfish  nature and helps us serve and greet...

Leadership and Hospitality

By André Schalitt, author and researcher who lives and ministers in Brazil. Andre loves cell ministry and has traveled with Joel Comiskey in Brazil promoting the cell-based church. “Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is...