by Stephen Daigle | Jan 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Stephen Daigle, College and Young Adult Pastor at Celebration Church, Have you ever thought to yourself ‘If there was only more time in the day?’ Do you find that the list of ‘Things to do’ never ends? Individuals in need of counseling...
by Mario Vega | Jan 30, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Mario Vega, Jesus trained his disciples for about three years. The purpose was for them to continue the work he had begun. And that work continues more than 2000 years later. Can you really believe that three years of training was enough for such a...
by Tito Roberts | Jan 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Tito Roberts, pastor and missions visionary,; Whatsapp 5491159369297; Most of us know a lot about “making disciples” but not everyone knows “how to make disciples of all nations.” When we talk about...
by Tito Roberts | Jan 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Tito Roberts, pastor and missions visionary,; Whatsapp 5491159369297; 3 Reasons to Include the Phrase To All Nations in Disciple-Making By Tito Roberts, Why is it important to include the phrase “To All...
by robertlay | Jan 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
By Robert Lay, Cell Church Ministry Brazil, In the fifth century the church movement started by Jesus Christ died out, and we saw a return to the Old Testament institutional model. The Old Testament was a centralizing institution. It was a come...
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