Why missions today?

by Tito Roberts, pastor and visionary for missions, www.iglesiasenmision.org; WhatsApp 5491159369297; www.enmision.org; www.misionsimple.com That is an excellent question! And there is also a clear answer. Doing Missionary Work today is essential, necessary, and...

Using Resources for the Missionary Task

by Tito Roberts, pastor and visionary for missions, www.iglesiasenmision.org; WhatsApp 5491159369297; www.enmision.org; www.misionsimple.com The great work of world evangelization needs material resources: money, finances, and investments. Today is the time to do...

Just One Question

by Tito Roberts, pastor and visionary for missions, www.iglesiasenmision.org; WhatsApp 5491159369297; www.enmision.org; www.misionsimple.comWith a single question, we can take a deep x-ray of a Christian or a church: How many workers do you or your church support...