Youth-Led Cell Groups

By Joel Comiskey Excerpts from Youth in Cell Ministry Ted Stump has dedicated his life to prepare students to become world-changers. Stump was considered a successful youth worker in the mid-1980s because thousands of kids were coming to Christ through his ministry....

Intergenerational Cells Birthing Youth Cells

By Joel Comiskey Excerpts from Youth in Cell Ministry Young people often feel the inner urge to form cells with their own peers. Adults should encourage these groups and even offer assistance. One of the weaknesses of IG cells is the lack of youth participation, and...

Intergenerational Youth Cell Groups

By Joel Comiskey Taken from my new book “Youth in Cell Ministry.” While reading the literature on youth ministry in preparation to write this book, I felt overwhelmed at times with the reams of suggestions about how to keep youth interested, attract new...

A Missionary Calling

By Joel Comiskey Excerpts from Youth in Cell Ministry Blake Foster leads the junior high and high school youth ministry at Antioch Community Church (ACC) in Waco, Texas.  He became a follower of Jesus at twenty-six years old as a freshman at Baylor University and was...

Youth Ministers

By Joel Comiskey Excerpts from Youth in Cell Ministry Effective youth cells expect everyone to be a minister. They embrace the apostle’s exhortation in the last book of the Bible, “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has...