by joelcomiskey | Jul 31, 2011 | Uncategorized
by Joel Comiskey While more people can lead smaller cell church plants, there are still key principles to follow when planting a cell church. Here are a few of them: Calling of God:. The calling to be the lead pastor of a church plant is beyond leading a single cell....
by Mario Vega | Jul 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
by Mario Vega The main advantage of planting a church starting with one cell is that all people that come to know Jesus from the beginning will grow in a totally cellular environment. That means that the new Christians will be trained for leadership and will have a...
by lesbrickman | Jul 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
by Les Brickman There are a number of benefits of smaller cell churches. Here are a few: Invisibility: An elephant in the room is hard to miss. A mosquito, on the other hand, is nearly impossible to see. Leven is invisible, yet one can readily see the...
by billjoukhadar | Jul 26, 2011 | Uncategorized
by Bill Joukhadar Indeed, compared with Mega cell-churches, smaller cell-churches (comprised of one or a few cells, meeting together occasionally for a larger body celebration), bubble-over with advantages that come from their smallness. From my experience, here are a...
by jefftunnell | Jul 25, 2011 | Uncategorized
by Jeff Tunnell Korean Version Spanish Version (Versión en español) A respected pastor friend from the United States was ministering in mainland China among the underground church. A secret meeting of the area pastors had been arranged and his team was available to...
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