From One Generation to the Next

by Mario Vega The 23rd Church Growth International Conference of Seoul Korea’s Church has finished. As always, Pastor Cho shared the Word of God with more than 1,500 participants from 63 countries in the underground Paul Chapel. In this conference, his message...

Coaching for Clarification

    Jeff Tunnell This morning I sat in Joel Comiskey’s living room for a coaching session with my staff.  We are finding clarification for moving ahead in cell-driven ministry.  In sharing my excitement with others, about re-entering a coaching commitment, it was...

The Power of Invitation

By Rob Campbell Andrew was a disciple of Jesus Christ.  The scriptures teach us that Andrew was the first of Jesus= twelve disciples.  Notice John 1:40-42: AAndrew, Simon Peter=s brother, was one of the two who heard what John [the Baptist]...

Resistance in the West Toward Cell Church?

by Joel Comiskey Most of you know that I wrote the book The Church that Multiplies to focus on the cell church in North America. In that book I highlight key principles that are essential for cell church to work in North America and the western world. We all know that...

The Key to Yoido Full Gospel Church’s Growth

by Mario Vega I’m writing this blog from Korea where I have been invited by Pastor David Yonggi Cho to the 23rd Church Growth International Conference which takes place from the October 21-26.. Every time I come to Korea, I visit the Prayer Mountain. I have noticed...