The Great Goal of Making Disciples

By Mario Vega, One cell group principle is that the cell must remain small. The purpose of this is to more effectively evangelize, experience community, and grow spiritually. But keeping the cell small can cause the leader to fall into a routine that...

Knowing Your Purpose

Alvaro Cesar Ramirez , Senior Pastor at Comunidade Batista da Restauração, Belo Horizonte, Brazil,;  Doing all it takes to keep the Vision fresh is essential, but there is also something that I have learned that is crucial in...

Keeping the Vision Alive and Healthy

Alvaro Cesar Ramirez , Senior Pastor at Comunidade Batista da Restauração, Belo Horizonte, Brazil,;  I first thought that my biggest challenge as a cell church pastor was to deeply work on the principles and values until the...

Morals, Values, Practices

By Jeff Tunnell Morals are cognitive (thinking, developed in our heads) Values are affective (feelings, held in our hearts). Practices develop from values. Therefore, “We practice what we value”. For example: we may know in our minds (cognitive thought) that stealing...

Going Back to Day One: the Cell Church

By Joel Comiskey, check out  coaching  What does it mean to go back to day one in cell ministry? Mario Vega said it well, “There has to be a break with the idea that the main purpose is numerical growth and then to start focusing on making disciples as the essential...