A Cell That Connects

by | Jul 3, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry | 0 comments

 Without a doubt, reaching people for Christ and enriching the lives of others are best accomplished through relationship.  Trust is the foundation of relationship.  Communication is the life-blood of any relationship.  How does your cell connect with people?  Do you connect well with each other during your gatherings and throughout the week?  Do you connect with individuals who may attend your cell one day?  Let me quickly highlight four principles that will increase your connectivity.

First, value people.  A pastor friend of mine stated, “You cannot make another person feel worthwhile if you secretly feel that the person is a nobody.”  Every person is a highly valued by God– let us mirror this value to others.

Second, look for common ground.  Have you ever heard of the 101% Principle?  Here’s the principle:  Find the 1% you agree with and give it 100% of your effort.  Finding this 1% requires that we employ the power of listening.

Next, seek first to understand and then to be understood.  Begin with understanding and discovering the gifts and abilities of people.  Applaud and affirm them.  Who doesn’t need a life long cheerleader?

Finally, to handle yourself…use your head; to handle others…use your heart.  Consider the following:

“Whose Point of View?”

When the other fellow takes a long time, he’s slow.  When I take a long time, I’m thorough.

When the other fellow doesn’t do it, he’s lazy.  But when I don’t do it, I’m busy.

When the other fellow does something without being told, he’s overstepping his bounds.  But when I do it, that’s initiative.

When the other fellow overlooks a rule of etiquette, he’s rude.  But when I skip a few rules, I’m original.

When the other fellow pleases the boss, he’s an apple polisher.  But when I please the boss, that’s cooperation.

When the other fellow gets ahead, he’s getting the breaks.  But when I manage to get ahead, that’s just the reward of hard work.

[Author unknown]

A cell that connects is a life-giving adventure.  Pray to God for the wisdom and ability to connect by employing these principles in reaching your sphere of influence.



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Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell is Founding Pastor of Cypress Creek Church (www.cypresscreekchurch.com) and Executive Director, Africa Renewal (www.africarenewal.org).
