Equipping Track as Discipleship

by | May 14, 2008 | Cell Church Ministry | 4 comments


by Steve Cordle


What makes for a good equipping track?

One of the characteristics of an effective equipping track is that it will combine disicpleship training with leadersihp training. Specifically, there will be little difference between growing as a follower of Jesus and growing in group leadership.

When discipleship training and leadership training are part of the same process, people understand that it is normal to become a disciplemaker; that growing in maturity involves becoming able to disciple someone else.

This in not to say we must communicate that everyone should become a group leader (though some churches feel led to make that a goal). But when we combine discipleship training and leader training into one track, we will grow more leaders, and more effective disciples who know how to make disciples — whether as a group leader or not.



  1. Vincent Gray Harper

    Goodmorning I am a Pastor of a church planting organization and my biggest desire is to equip the church to become disciples , worker, leader
    I am always looking to refresh our equiping track. I like the idea developing disciples and leaders through a well crafted equiping track.

    • joelcomiskeyadmin

      Tell me more. Eager to help

      • Kelvin M. Alcantara

        i need tracts for our church discipleship

        • joelcomiskeyadmin

          Are you referring to training books?


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Steve Cordle

Steve Cordle

Founding pastor of Crossroads and executive director of The River Network International (trni.org)
