The Power of Prayer

by | Aug 4, 2009 | Uncategorized | 0 comments


by Rob Campbell

This JCG blog community is quite thankful for Joel’s transparency in yesterday’s blog post concerning the death of his father.  Let us commit to pray for Joel and his family.

As your time permits, look at the comments that were posted relating to Joel’s post.  The common theme of the comments is prayer.

Prayer is the work of ministry. When we see fruit from the ministry it is always rooted in prayer.

In the Old Testament, watchmen were placed on the city’s wall for protection as an early alert signal for invading armies.  You are a watchman on the wall! I encourage you to serve with consistency, readiness and with a great longing to intercede in the heavenlies.

My days of ministering without a prayer ministry foundation are long gone.  I will not participate in powerless “ministry” than is based on the good ideas, techniques and methods of men.

I want to remind you of one aspect of prayer.  Prayer is not simply talking and listening to God.  Prayer is relationship with God.

I believe it was Henry Blackaby who suggested the following process of prayer in our lives:

1.  God takes the initiative by causing me to want to pray.

2.  The Holy Spirit reveals to me the will of God.

3.  I pray in the Spirit in agreement with the will of God.

4.  I adjust my life to truth.

5.  I look and listen from confirmation.

6.  I obey.

7.  God works in me and through me to accomplish His purposes.

May we be a people of prayer!




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Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell is Founding Pastor of Cypress Creek Church ( and Executive Director, Africa Renewal (
