Every Believer Can Become a Leader

by Gerardo Campos When I led the youth in a traditional structure, I believed that very few of them could lead. I realized how wrong I was when the church made its transition to the cell model. I saw those who had been overshadowed by my subjective judgment shining....

Preparation – Source of Confidence

By Jeff Tunnell There are many among us who are eager to serve the Lord. The general response when asked to start serving in a cell group is apprehensiveness due to feeling unqualified. Some of us have worked that out ourselves and understand the nervous place of...

From Cell Leader to Church Pastor

By Jairo Garcia I believe it is extremely important that as a group leader, you make sure all members go through the new leader’s training course. But it is also important to assign responsibilities to the group members. Some of those responsibilities may include,...

Empowering Cell Group Members for Multiplication

By Jairo Garcia [I, Joel Comiskey, am pleased to introduce Jairo L. Garcia, a long-time member of an Elim Church for some 16 years and still continues his relationship with Elim by attending cell conferences and maintaining a friendship with various pastors from Elim....

Don’t Overlook Anyone

By Joel Comiskey, pastoral coaching available: www.joelcomiskeygroup.com/coaching/index.html  (free first session available for those interested in receiving coaching) In our upcoming 2017 book Groups that Thrive, Jim Egli and I point out that anyone who loves God and...