Fear of Being a Leader

By Mario Vega, www.elim.org.sv Eugenia was one of the first cell leaders I personally trained. Eugenia did not miss any of the training meetings. At the end of the course, I announced to the new group of leaders that soon I would tell them what cell they would start...

What if I Fall?

Pastor Bill Mellinger, Crestline First Baptist;  www.crestlinefbc.com Have you watched an child  move through the stages of development eventually learning how to walk? Someone once said that the reason children are born small is so that they don’t have far to fall....

Made, not born

By Steve Cordle, www.crossroadsumc.org Sometimes you either have it or you don’t. For example, some people are just born with exceptional musical ability. They can hear a tune once and then play it back. They take very little time to master an instrument or to...

Hanging between Two Worlds

By Rob Campbell, www.cypresscreekchurch.com I like what Peter Scazzero writes in his book, The Emotionally Healthy Church. “My most effective discipleship is to be an incarnational presence to another person.  It was for Jesus.  It is, I believe, for all his...

The Perfect Leader Doesn’t Exist

By Joel Comiskey, pastoral coaching available: www.joelcomiskeygroup.com/coaching/index.html  (free first session available for those interested in receiving coaching) When you look out at your current cell group and wonder, “Which of these people could lead the...