The Training of New Leaders

By Mario Vega, When a person is born again, he experiences deep gratitude for God’s work of salvation.  That gratitude is expressed in a fervent desire to serve God. In those early days, the person is ready to serve in any role out of pure gratitude....

The Importance of Movement

By Steve Cordle, Just like a body of water, a healthy cell group requires movement, or else it will stagnate. In a healthy cell, there needs to be movement in three directions: Movement into the group: new people becoming part of the group...

Natural Spirituality

By Jeff Tunnell When an infant is born into the world, it immediately needs to be joined to a family for its protection and care. That infant is totally dependent on others and needs to be nurtured. Parents don’t need to be encouraged to love their newborn...

Circle Up

By Pastor Rob Campbell, Be careful not to underestimate the power of the “circle.” Let me explain. Inevitably, the clear majority of cell churches have a linear approach to the training of cell leaders. Typically, it looks like:...

Seeing Leadership Potential in Everyone

By Joel Comiskey There’s a good chance that the next leaders that emerge from your group are very different than you. It’s so easy to want to find one kind of person to lead the group or be part of the team, but the reality is that there is no one best...