Social media with a Purpose

Mario Vega, Social media can be beneficial because it allows interaction, can expand ministry, creates an environment for learning, and keeps people connected. Psychologists suggest that social media fills the human need to feel part of something...

The Problem of Popularity

By Ángel Manuel Hernández, D.D., Jeremiah 20:9 says, “And if I say, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name, then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with...

The Exhausted Leader

By Ángel Manuel Hernández, D.D., “Consider him who suffered such a contradiction of sinners against himself, so that your spirit does not tire until it faints” (Hebrews 12: 3). It is terrible to fall into the...

Enjoy Your Life!

By Michelle Geoffrey, Yesterday, I stopped at a red light and there was a man at the corner with a cardboard sign that said, “Anything helps.”  I handed the gentleman crackers that I keep in my car for such occasions, and he said with a...

Take a Day Off

By Joel Comiskey, check out  coaching  I overworked one spring to the point of exhaustion. I didn’t faithfully keep my day off, didn’t take care of my body, and eventually caught bronchitis. I had a teaching commitment at the time that I couldn’t cancel. I...