by daphnekirk | Aug 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Daphne Kirk,; Twitter: daphnekirk Let me revert to the simple message that seems to need to be repeated over and over through Generation 2 generation’s ministry ( over 25 years. It is a message that changes the way...
by Ralph Neighbour, Jr. | Aug 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Ralph Neighbour Bill Beckham writes, “Jesus’ method of discipleship is caught, not taught. One disciple demonstrates life with Christ to another in the discipleship journey.” Discipleship “classes” are self-contradictory! Some years ago a fine young man came to me...
by Ralph Neighbour, Jr. | Aug 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Ralph Neighbour While playing as a small child, my shoe lace became untied. Dr. Ben was walking by,, having just finished a house call. I whimpered, “Dr. Ben, please tie my shoe!” That had always worked with my mother. With a loving smile, she fixed everything for...
by joelcomiskey | Aug 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Joel Comiskey, check out coaching The best leaders prepare disciples in the group, just like Jesus. They empower members to actively participate, be part of a leadership team, and eventually be part of a new small group. They understand that the small group is...
by billmellinger | Aug 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
By Bill Mellinger, The best way to determine if you are a leader is to see if anyone is following you. If no one is following you, then you are not a leader. You might be a leader of a cell, a ministry, a church, or even a mission. s Christ...
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