The Coach’s Love 

By Mario Vega, In his sermon on the good shepherd,  the Lord Jesus spoke of the difference that exists between a good shepherd and a stranger (salaried employer) in John 10. The good shepherd loves his sheep, to the point that he is willing to give his...

The “Who” of Coaching

By Jim Egli, Ph.D.. Jim is a small group enthusiast and researcher. He is the curriculum coordinator for New Generations, a ministry launching disciple making movements around the world. He shares his insights and free resources on small groups on his blog at...

Your Leaders Need Coaching

By Jim Egli, Ph.D.. Jim is a small group enthusiast and researcher. He is the curriculum coordinator for New Generations, a ministry launching disciple making movements around the world. He shares his insights and free resources on small groups on his blog at...

Positive Coaching Wins

By Bill Mellinger, This Saturday, I will be officiating at the memorial for my wife’s aunt and uncle. They died within 16 hours of one another after 68 years of marriage. He was a Hall of Fame football coach at the Community College level. One of...