Experiencing Celebration Worship

By Dr. Bill Beckham, author of many books, including The Second Reformation During the time I pastored my third church, I developed a splitting headache every Sunday. Eventually, I traced this recurring pain back to its source. I was so uptight about what happened on...

A Two Wing Church Can Fly, part 2

by Dr. Bill Beckham The story of the two-winged church is clearly articulated in the New Testament: Acts 2:46: “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” Acts...

A Two Winged Church Can Fly, part 1

by Dr. Bill Beckham I was frustrated after talking with a group of graduate students from Texas A&M University in 1990 about the church in small groups. After they left, I went into my study and typed out this little parable verbatim about the large group and...

Negotiating Authority and Submission

by Dr. Bill Beckham Determining who leads (authority) and who follows (submission) is a major issue in every area of life. In Thailand deciding who is over and who is under is a social art that is codified in language. The Thai language has multiple pronouns for this...

A Biblical Symbol of Submission: The Cross

by Dr. Bill Beckham The cross is the most recognized symbol of Christianity. The shape of the cross is on church buildings, religious objects and worn as necklaces and pins. Catholics use the sign of the cross. The cross is a dramatic symbol of submission that is the...