A Biblical Symbol of Submission: The Yoke

by Dr. Bill Beckham [William A. (Bill) Beckham has been a pastor in Texas, missionary in Thailand, church planter in Houston, conference speaker in many parts of the world, and a strategy consultant for cell ministry. He has written many books on the cell movement,...

Prioritizing Jesus in 2018, part 2

By Dr. Bill Beckham [William A. (Bill) Beckham has been a pastor in Texas, missionary in Thailand, church planter in Houston, conference speaker in many parts of the world, and a strategy consultant for cell ministry. He has written many books on the cell movement,...

Prioritizing Jesus in 2018

By Dr. Bill Beckham As I approach the eighth decade of life, I am considering life more in terms of my relationship to God and less in terms of my work in the church as a pastor. My success this year in prioritizing Jesus depends upon: 1) My definition of what it...