Counseling in Support Groups

by David Jaramillo The name of the church I pastor is called the “Family Church” (Quito, Ecuador). We call our groups “support groups.” Our groups are based on three fundamental assumptions: Every person, regardless of their socioeconomic or...

The Counseling Cell Church

By David Jaramillo, lead pastor of Church of the Family (Quito, Ecuador) It is generally believed that counseling is simply giving advice or telling people what to do in a certain situation. Actually, true counseling involves accompanying a person in the process of...

How to Renew Your Vision

By: David Jaramillo Burgos After leaving Egypt, the people of Israel made a stop at Mount Horeb to receive the commandments and laws of God. They stayed there for one year, even though God had brought them out to conquer the Promised Land. God had to say to them,...

The Balance Between Quantity and Quality

By: Msc. David Jaramillo Burgos Several times I have heard pastors say the following phrases: “God does not ask for numbers but quality.” “we are few but we are good” and others, urge their members to become a mega church and place their people...