Surviving the Winter of Transition

Jim Wall Last Friday, Pastor Vega pointed out that the “more essential” things are often the “less visible” things; but, they are harder to see.  Our church is blessed. Before we even started the transition from a program/celebration paradigm to that of...

Cell Finances and Service Evangelism

by Jim Wall One of the most powerful resources that cell ministries provide is the manpower to serve lost people at their point of felt need. At our church we ask each of our cell groups to do at least one service evangelism project per quarter. We define a service...

Meeting a Family’s Financial Needs

by Jim Wall Scripture is clear, God intended the Body of Christ to work together to meet physical needs. One of the primary descriptions of the first century church at Jerusalem is, “All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their...

Cells and Individual Treasuries

by Jim Wall, lead pastor at Western Branch Community Church, Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Few things damage trust in a church more quickly than mishandled money. For that reason, we decided early in our transition to the...

Training for Evangelism

by Jim Wall It is no coincidence that the most joyous thing a Christian ever does is also the most intimidating thing! The joy of sharing your faith with someone you care about and then praying with them to begin a life-changing relationship with Jesus is beyond...