Three Keys to Multiplying Cells

By Rob Campbell, Founding Pastor, First, pray for your cell members to grow in Christ and for the Holy Spirit to place in their hearts a desire to lead a cell.   Next, love your cell members.  Model Christ’s love so that they trust...

Multiplication and HEALTH

By Rob Campbell, Founding Pastor, This month, the JCG bloggers are diving into “Making Disciples through Cell Multiplication.” I want to comment on quick growth that often fades away. Because health precedes growth, we must measure health...

The Race and Your Eyes

By Rob Campbell, Founding Pastor, This week, the blog contributors are focusing on: “Not becoming weary in reaching out as a group to those who don’t know Jesus.”  I want to remind you of Hebrews 12:1-3. 1Therefore, since we are...

Evangelism Ministry Matrix

By Rob Campbell, Founding Pastor, In 2012, Alan Hirsch and Tim Catchim wrote The Permanent Revolution:  Apostolic Imagination and Practice of the 21st Century Church.  In this book, the authors develop the “Evangelism Ministry...

“Around the Table, House to House”

by Pastor Rob Campbell, Founding Pastor, Ryan Bolger wrote Gospel After Christendom: New Voices, New Cultures, New Expressions. This book reveals emerging and missional church practices in the following locales: Latin America, New...