Breakfast of Champions

by | Sep 14, 2007 | Cell Church Ministry | 0 comments

By Steve Cordle

My wife, Linda, mentors some young mothers of pre-schoolers. This week one of the moms asked Linda to recommend a devotional book for women/moms she could use that would help her grow, since she’s just starting out and she’s had virtually no church background.

Linda replied that the best book to help her grow is the Bible (then offered some suggestions on how to engage it). Linda added that while other people’s thoughts about the Bible are helpful, they are not a substitute for the actual Word itself.

In order to create a climate of spiritual growth, it is vital to create a culture in which the Bible is central. I’m sure I don’t have to convince readers here of the importance of the Bible, but I’ve learned not to assume anything when it comes to people living out what we know is important. Many Christ-followers know the importance of the Bible, but their only exposure is during the worship celebration or group time. If it’s our spiritual food, we need it daily! Without it we are weak.

One of the most common reasons we hear from people about why they can’t lead a grop is the ydon’t know enough about the Bible. So let’s teach them!

Some of the ways churches have made the Bible central include:

– preaching through books or significant sections of the Bible in worship

-New Christian’s Classes and Membership Classes which include how to study the Bible

– Add a “Going Futher” section to the weekly cell material, encouraging indiviual study of a passasge

– Offer equipping courses teaching study techniques and books of the Bible

– Give away Bibles to anyone who is new

– Encourage significnat Bible study in 1-on-1 discipleship relationships

What other ideas do you have to move the Bible from our tables to our hearts?


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Steve Cordle

Steve Cordle

Founding pastor of Crossroads and executive director of The River Network International (
