Getting Personal

by | Mar 12, 2008 | Cell Church Ministry | 0 comments


by Steve Cordle

 Cell church can be a very effective disciple-making environment because it allows believers to get personal with each other.

The best discipling happens when in the context of an open relationship. Sitting shoulder to shoulder in a service won’t promote the kind of connection we need to grow fully mature. When I think of my spiritual development, I think of individuals who influenced me. If there is one regret I have about my early spiritual growth, it is not making even more of my life visible to those people.

The more of our lives we give people access to, the more God can work in those areas. When we hide an area of our lives, we hinder the work God’s Spirit wants to do in that area.

However, many North Americans are terrified of opening themselves up to someone else. While we each need Christ-centered community, we can fear it all the same. (It is ironic that for so long we pastors would encourage people to get into groups by describing how close and relationally open the group community could be…just what they were afraid of!)

How do you promote spiritually healthy, transparent relationships?


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Steve Cordle

Steve Cordle

Founding pastor of Crossroads and executive director of The River Network International (
