By Mario Vega
With a very modest knowledge of the cellular model, the new cells began to work. Soon the enthusiasm spread and the results began to be evident. It was not difficult to find host number ten that we needed.
The dynamics of multiplication was so strong that we found ourselves needing to train new leaders. I invited all of the deacons and deaconess of the church to join in the effort. Soon we reached twenty cells and in a short period of time there were thirty.
I personally trained each new group of leaders. We would always start these trainings with “The “Vision†theme. It was a motivational type of topic. After imparting this first theme we would always pray.
One day, while we were praying at the end of the impartment of the first theme, I started to pray putting my hands on each one of the new leadership candidates. At the end of the prayer, a young man came with his face covered with tears and told me that during that prayer he’d had a vision. In it, he saw that the streets around the church were filled with buses from which a large numbers of people were coming out to enter the church building.
It was obvious that he’d had an experience with God, but what he saw in his vision was too extraordinary that it was very hard for me to believe it. I did not want to make a judgment on whether the vision was from God or not.
But a year later, that vision had come true. Every Sunday dozens of buses came to church and parked on the streets around the church. There were so many people attending that we had to seek help from the police to stop the traffic for the safety of the ones crossing the street toward the church.
Later on, this young man became pastor of one of our branch churches. With this kind of experiences the passion for multiplication could no longer be extinguished.
Perhaps you’d like to share your own experience in starting cell groups. . .
Mario Vega
Blog in Spanish:
La pasión se enciende.
Con un conocimiento muy modesto del modelo celular, las nuevas células comenzaron a funcionar. Pronto el entusiasmo se extendió y los resultados comenzaron a ser evidentes. No fue difcil encontrar el anfitrión número diez que nos haca falta.
La dinámica de multiplicación era tan fuerte que hubo necesidad de capacitar nuevos lderes. Invité a todos los diáconos y diaconisas de la iglesia a que se sumaran al esfuerzo. Pronto alcanzamos veinte células y al poco tiempo fueron treinta.
Capacitaba a cada nuevo grupo de lderes personalmente. Siempre iniciábamos esas capacitaciones con el tema de ‘La Visión’. Era un tema de tipo motivacional. Después de impartir ese primer tema siempre hacamos una oración.
Un da, mientras orábamos al final del primer tema, comencé a orar colocando mis manos sobre cada uno de los nuevos candidatos a lderes. Al finalizar la oración un joven llegó con su rostro cubierto de lágrimas y me contó que durante esa oración haba tenido una visión. En ella vio que las calles alrededor de la iglesia se encontraban llenas de autobuses de donde bajaban grandes cantidades de personas para entrar al edificio de la iglesia.
Era evidente que él haba tenido una experiencia con Dios pero lo que haba visto en su visión era tan extraordinario que me costaba mucho creerlo. No quise emitir un juicio sobre si la visión era de Dios o no.
Pero, un año después, esa visión se haba hecho realidad. Cada domingo llegaban a la iglesia docenas de buses que se aparcaban en las calles alrededor de la iglesia. Eran tantas las personas que asistan que tenamos que solicitar la ayuda a la polica para que detuviera el tráfico para seguridad de los que atravesaban la calle hacia la iglesia.
Posteriormente ese joven llegó a convertirse en Pastor de una de nuestras filiales. Con tal tipo de experiencias la pasión por la multiplicación ya no poda apagarse.