by Mario Vega
When I invited the deacons and deaconesses to join as new leaders of our cellular effort, they all accepted the challenge. One of the deaconess named Eugenia, received the whole training as a leader.
At the end of the small training course, she came by my office requesting to talk with me in private. I received her and she explained me that she did not feel capable of taking on the responsibility of leading a cell. By her words, I noticed that she had the idea that being a cell leader was something that I was imposing.
Under that perception I decided to demonstrate to her that I was not trying to impose anything to anybody. So I told her that there was no problem. If she did not feel capable of becoming a leader she did not have to feel obligated. Moreover, I assured her that I was not going to hand over her a cell.
The next day, Eugenia returned to my office. This time she came weeping and could not speak because of her crying. Once she managed to calm down a bit, she told me that the night before she had not been able to sleep. She had no peace because she felt that she had denied her service to the Lord Jesus. She told me that she had changed her mind and, despite of not feeling capable she was well disposed towards doing God’s will.
I encouraged this sister and told her that everything would be fine. Indeed, she began to work as a new leader. Eugenia turned out to be one of our most effective leaders. And she had an additional merit. She was the first leader that brought a bus filled with guests to our Sunday’s celebrations–all by herself.
I was amazed. The cellular work had increased her self-esteem. She was happy to be useful in the Lord’s hands. I learned that those who think that they will not be good leaders, often end up being the best ones.
Have you found this to be true? Why or why not?
Translation in Spanish:
Cuando invité a los diáconos y diaconisas a que se sumaran como nuevos lderes de nuestro esfuerzo celular, todos aceptaron el reto. Una de las diaconisas, llamada Eugenia, recibió la capacitación completa como lder.
Al final del pequeño curso de entrenamiento, ella se acercó por mi oficina para solicitarme platicar en privado. La recib y me explicó que ella no se senta capaz de tomar la responsabilidad de dirigir una célula. En sus palabras advert que ella tena la idea que ser lder de una célula era algo que yo estaba imponiendo.
Bajo esa percepción decid demostrarle que no estaba tratando de imponer nada a nadie. As que le dije que no haba problema. Si ella no se senta capaz de ser lder no deba sentirse obligada. Es más, le aseguré que no iba a entregarle una célula.
Al da siguiente, Eugenia volvió a buscarme en mi oficina. Esta vez vena llorando y no poda hablar debido a su llanto. Cuando logró tranquilizarse un poco, me dijo que la noche anterior no haba podido dormir. Que no tena paz porque senta que le haba negado su servicio al Señor Jesús. Me dijo que haba cambiado de opinión y que, a pesar de no sentirse capaz, estaba dispuesta a hacer lo que Dios quisiera.
Animé a la hermana y le dije que todo estara bien. Efectivamente, ella comenzó a trabajar como una nueva lder. Eugenia llegó a convertirse en una de nuestras más eficientes lderes. Y tuvo un mérito adicional. Fue la primera lder en llevar, ella sola, un bus lleno de invitados a nuestros cultos dominicales.
Yo mismo estaba asombrado. El trabajo celular haba elevado su autoestima. Ella estaba feliz por ser útil en las manos del Señor. Aprend que aquellas personas que piensan que no serán buenos lderes, muchas veces terminan siendo los mejores.