The Need to Delegate

by | May 29, 2008 | Cell Church Ministry | 0 comments

marioby Mario Vega

At the beginning of our cell work, I personally supervised the work of my leaders. But, as the leaders began to multiply, it was evident that it delegatewas no longer possible to personally encourage them in their work. As we followed Pastor Cho´s model, we started promoting leaders that showed greater effectiveness in their work so they could encourage as well a group of five to ten leaders each. These promoted leaders were called supervisors. Each group of five to ten cells became a sector.

In a short while, the sectors began to multiply demanding a greater number of supervisors. Later on, the sectors increased up to a point of having to begin appointing zone workers. In each zone there were several sectors.

These workers, whom at first were only four, had each one under their own responsibility a great part of the congregation. At this point is where every Pastor who appoints Zone Accountables or Zone Pastors, come to the dilemma of whom to entrust such responsibility?

In our case, the selection criteria was the following: to have effectiveness in the cell work, a Pastoral character, spiritual maturity, active in the work of God, eager to serve. At first these brothers were appointed and were offered a small financial aid to help them with the cost of transportation, later on, they were called to work full-time. This is how the first zone supervisors were born, that following the Korean model, became known as Zone Pastors.





In Spanish:

La necesidad de delegar.

Al iniciar nuestro trabajo con células, supervisaba directamente el trabajo de mis lderes. Pero, cuando los lderes fueron multiplicándose, fue evidente que ya no era posible animarles en su trabajo de manera directa. Siguiendo el modelo del Pastor Cho, comenzamos a promover a los lderes que mostraban mayor efectividad en su trabajo para que animaran a un grupo de entre cinco a diez lderes cada uno. A estos lderes promovidos les llamamos supervisores. Cada grupo de cinco a diez células llegó a convertirse en un sector.
Pero, en poco tiempo, los sectores comenzaron a multiplicarse demandando mayor cantidad de supervisores. Después los sectores aumentaron a un punto que fue necesario comenzar a nombrar obreros de zonas. Dentro de cada zona haba diversas cantidades de sectores.
Estos obreros, que al principio fueron solamente cuatro, tenan cada uno bajo su responsabilidad una buena parte de la congregación. Al llegar a este punto es donde todo Pastor que nombra responsables de zona ó pastores de zona, llega al dilema de ¿a quién confiarle semejante responsabilidad?
En nuestro caso, los criterios de selección fueron los siguientes: poseer efectividad en el trabajo con células, carácter pastoral, madurez espiritual, activo dentro de la obra de Dios, deseoso de servir. Al principio estos hermanos fueron nombrados ofreciéndoseles una pequeña ayuda económica para ayudarles con los gastos de transporte, posteriormente, fueron llamados a tiempo completo para éste trabajo. As nacieron los primeros supervisores de zona que, siguiendo el modelo coreano, llegaron a ser conocidos como pastores de zona.


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Joel Comiskey, Ph.D., founder of JCG Resources
