by Steve Cordle
Let me add to Rob’s blog from yesterday about Mid-Size Communities. In addition to what Rob said, we have been talking about the idea of gathering groups of cells into MSCs at our church for the following reasons:
1) It feels more accessible than cells to some people. The intimate setting of a cell can feel intimidating to some people if they have not experienced it before. A cell member can invite a preChristian to come along to the picnic/house renovation project, and then as they work together, the member can invite the new person to group saying “many of the people you’ve worked with today will be there, too.”
2) It eases the pain of birthing. When it comes time to multiply, members can be reassured they will see each other regularly as the cells reunite as a MSC each month.
3) Greater mission potential – 3 cells can accomplish more than 1!
Your thoughts?
Great insight, Steve. The mid-size group can strengthen cell ministry. I”m writing here from Uzbekistan, where the believers can’t legally meet openly. The last churches that could “officially” register were back in 1999. I’m talking to 100 underground cell leaders and pastors (actually there are a few from the registered church). Yet, most of them are leading a cell or network of cells. They can’t EASILY meet in the mid-size group. All this to say that we in the free world need to say THANKS, JESUS, for the opportunities like you mentioned, Steve.
Thank you for the last two article on MSG. We are a young cell church that have started with two cells and every quarter the two cell meet together for what we call agape feast. We come together to sing, laughter, games and fellowship (eating). We use this gathering to invite our unsaved friends, so far everyone is excited about the additional meeting every quarter. The last article you spoke of the cluster group going out to help at nursing home. Great Ideal we will plan something like that in the near future. Thanks again for this article
Reggie, IL.
I believe that in the emphasis on the two extremes – cell and celebration – a lot of the important infrastructure of the large cell church is lost to us. There are a lot of functional structures between cell and celebration which are just omitted in the USA implementation, including the Elim planning meeting for example.
I believe that in the G12 such a gathering of “disciple groups” sharing a network leader is called a summit in Joel’s first book on the G12.
And in the Yoido 5×5 similar groupings are combined to eventually become a district. The first level of supervision is the leader of 5 cell group leaders = 50 people. Groups of a size like these would be the ones who would charter buses to travel to worship together at Yoido … another fellowship event.
These intermediate size structures would be helpful from the very beginning of a cell church and it’s a shame that they are lost.
David Kueker