The Ministry of Joel Comiskey

by | Sep 30, 2008 | Cell Church Ministry | 2 comments

by Rob Campbell

My friendship with Joel Comiskey began in the Spring of 2001.  I was scheduled to have a ten week sabbatical during the summer months.  My desire was to travel around the world and see various cell churches.  Randall Neighbour suggested that I call Joel concerning the “hopping” cell churches in Central/Latin America.  I contacted Joel who had recently returned from Quito, Ecuador where he and his family ministered for several years.  Long story short, Joel helped me connect with churches in Ecuador, El Salvador, and Bogota.  It was a rich experience I will not soon forget.

Joel’s attitude was clear.  He didn’t know me, but he was for me.  That’s Joel Comiskey.  It’s true for you as well.  Joel may not know you, but he’s for you.  He is an encourager…a great supporter.

Joel is not merely a cell church theorist, but a cell church practitioner.  Not only does he have international cell church planting experience, but he has also planted a cell church in Morena Valley, California where he currently resides.  The church around the world knows him as the “cell church guy.”  At heart, Joel is a writer.  His articles/books/blog posts have resourced the church.

With this said, let me recommend you order a copy of his new book, Planting Churches That Reproduce. 

I’ve had a chance to read it from cover to cover.  You will benefit from reading this book.  Further, order it for your pastors, cell leaders, and/or cell members.

I like for the pastors at my church to read six to eight books a year.  I pick a book that I believe will help, change, and/or encourage us.  I get a copy into the hands of my pastors.  About a month after my pastors receive a book, then we discuss the book as a team.  We’ve enjoyed many enriching and fun discussions using such methodology.  I’ve also noticed another dynamic to such an endeavor.  Word trickles through the church family that the pastors have read a certain book.  This encourages our cell leaders and members to read.  I believe that “good leaders are good readers.”  I’m sure you have a similar strategy to keep your people reading.

Two final thoughts concerning Joel Comiskey’s ministry.  He is a disciple of Christ.  Finally, I have the privilege of knowing his wife (Celyce) and three daughters.  This is a family that not only love God, but clearly love each other.  I’ve seen it with my own eyes!





  1. Mike Donaldson


    I too can vouch for Joel Comisky being “for you” even if you’re a new acquanitance.

    I contacted Joel in October 2003, to interview him for a M.Div Thesis on “The Modern Day Cell Church” I was writing for Wake Forest University Divinity School. I had read all of his books, etc. Joel was very courteous to extend an interview to me. Since then Joel has conversed with me in various formats about cell church principles and methods,etc.

    I met Joel and his entire family in August 2006, while attending my first D.Min class at Fuller Theological Seminary. I had the privilege of going to his home for a cell meeting, refreshments,etc.

    Joel is all about “advancing the cell church”, and has a passion for it. When he meets other believers who share the same passion he gives then his ear, knowledge, and heart.

    In short, he is a blessing to all of us.

    Mike Donaldson

  2. Joel Comiskey

    Hey, Mike, thanks so much for your encouraging words. I look forward to talking to you this week!


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Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell

Rob Campbell, Director of Mission Advancement, Makarios,, Founding Pastor of Cypress Creek Church
