by Jeff Tunnell
What a great week! Two young ladies gave their hearts and lives to Jesus as a direct result of the Cell training track.
First, Brittany who attended a cell at the invitation of her co-worker (who had come to Jesus earlier this year in the same cell). Brittany did not immediately accept Christ, but willingly started our “pre-encounter” portion of the training track. By review of the material and personal attention from the cell family, she accepted Jesus last Thursday night.
Next, I agreed to meet with a college-age girl to answer some questions she had after attending a cell and a celebration in the same week. During the questions it became apparent she had not yet surrendered to Jesus but had only a knowledge about Him. A scheduled Encounter was just 1/2 hour from starting and I asked if she would like to attend for the weekend due to available space. Her excited ‘YES’ led to a weekend of freedom and salvation. She is being assimilated into the cell she first attended and that cell family is so very excited to have her.
Having the regular components of a training track in place are so vital to discipleship and SALVATION! It is much easier to assess where a person is in the journey of maturity and then help them take the next step. Moving people along, just one step at a time, leads to systematic leadership development. We rejoice in these salvations and know that Brittany’s co-worker will soon become a new leader as well.
Do you have a training, or equipping track in place? What steps are involved? What successes have you experienced through implementation?